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How to boot Windows 8/8.1 in safe mode
You surely noticed that Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 no longer boot in Safe Mode by pressing F8 or Shift+F8 keys. That’s because the boot procedure in Windows 8/8.1 has changed, since it become so fast that it literally cannot be interrupted by any of your keypresses. Anyway, Safe Mode in Windows 8 and Windows

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 offline installer
Visual Studio 2015 is a Microsoft product integrating developer productivity tools, cloud services, and extensions to create great apps and games for the web, Windows Store, the desktop, for Android and iOS. The main changes from the previous version in 2013 are: product setup, now componentized sign in across multiple Visual Studio

Install and configure GitLab with Plesk 12 on CentOS 6
Let’s start by understanding what we’re talking about: Git is a DVCS – Distributed Version Control System software created in 2005 by Linus Torvalds, a Finnish programmer known as the author of the first version of the Linux kernel. In short, it allows you to keep track of changes made

Upgrade to Windows 10 without the upgrade icon
Many Windows users experienced problems when updating old Windows 7/8 operating systems to Microsoft Windows 10. Sometimes it happens that the famous icon that should be present in the traybar does not appear. Many suggest elaborate solutions ranging from installing all the updates to disable UAC, etc… A quick solution to this problem

How to configure PhpStorm for Laravel
If you develop web applications you certainly heard of Laravel, a PHP framework that uses HMVC architectural pattern, currently at version 5.1.4. The best IDE currently available for Laravel is JetBrains PhpStorm, available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. However, once installed, the IDE must be configured to be able to offer

Linux: how to change default editor
Sometimes Linux default editor (usually “you” or “vim”) is not the most comfortable, especially for users that often use other editors like “nano”. There are several online tutorials on how to change the default editor, but those procedures are often wrong and we realize that when, for example, we try to edit crontab